Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Thank you for your interest in participating in the maintenance program for the Minnetonka/Tracy Ave Kingdom Halls. We all want to care for dedicated places of worship to Jehovah as a reflection of his name (2 Chronicles 34:9-11). While we find joy in being a part of this arrangement, it is a reflection of our spirituality to perform maintenance tasks in a safe way. Please prayerfully consider form “Working Together Safely – Standards for Theocratic Construction” (DC-82) and fill out the form below. If you do not have a copy of the DC-82 form, contact an elder in your congregation for a copy. The brothers on the operating committee will contact you about available tasks needing attention.

Much like working a territory in your ministry, any publisher is qualified to accept a maintenance task and complete it. This doesn’t mean you need to work on it alone. You are encouraged to ask others to assist you while doing the work. If you are hesitant about performing a certain task, please ask your overseer for training.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Your brothers,
Minnetonka Operating Committee

Kingdom Hall Maintenance